Stirrings of Presence.

Poetry is experiencing something too beautiful to put into words, but trying anyway.
A haiku is a poem written in the most basic way which expresses profound thoughts, feelings, or observations. Limited to just 17 total syllables, ideas must be expressed simply and concisely. 

My poetry is inspired by the relationship between the sacred and the profane, concepts of wabi sabi, ichigo ichie, and zen. It has been a way for me to sharpen my awareness of the present moment, for these poems are written only in moments of pure awareness. Those instances where I am struck by something beautiful which would have otherwise been missed had I not been tuned in to my surroundings. Often, the happenings in my poems are quite simple and everyday–a cloud passes by, a leaf falls to the ground, a bird flies near, a flower petal drops. These are not extraordinary moments where something unbelievable happens, but they are points in time that will not be repeated in quite the same way, times when you realize the deeper meaning behind the mundane things we tend to be blind to. The simple beauty of a flowing river or a tree swaying in the breeze can take you out of your own head and into the present, inspiring deeper contemplation about the world around you and your relationship to it.

Capturing the essence of feeling, the imperfection of these perfect moments, these photographs are as much a poem as the haiku that accompanies them.